Miniature Artworks

Discover the world of miniature artworks available on ARTmine.

Dating back to scribes of the medieval ages, miniature art is highly prized by collectors. To this day, even the U. S. White House holds a special assortment of small artworks. Although this particular style of art is constantly evolving, one common rule of thumb is that a work of miniature art can be held in the palm of the hand.

At Agora Gallery, we have a number of artists practicing this style. From dreamy watercolors to strong expressionist artworks, there is a wide range of exceptional small artworks to choose from, which all live up to the old saying ‘good things come in small packages’. Here is a collection of the best miniature works from ARTmine.

Watercolor on Paper, $1550 each

American artist Tammy Phillips’s urban scenes are moments frozen in time. Masterfully guiding watercolor around the paper, she creates an atmosphere of unhurried serenity and sober contemplation. “I want my paintings to stand out in the world by taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. I want to leave stories for future generations of how life is today,” says Phillips.


Oil on Canvas Panel, $2350+

“Rescuing the urban landscape” is what Argentinian artist Miguel A. Chavez calls the unique experience of painting en plein air. Drawing his inspiration from traveling, the artist finds and paints everyday places and corners; however, the finished painting becomes a glimpse into the story behind these places, pulling the viewer in and stirring his imagination.


Mixed Media on Canvas, $4000

Inspired by a variety of subjects and issues ranging from The Legends of Gilgamesh and the Bible to contemporary political systems and lives of wild women, Jiri Maska says he “explores “living stories” with his work.” His pieces are majestic and visceral; always in motion, the images are characterized by their heavy, graphic lines and saturated colors.


Oil on Wood, $2100

A thoughtful and deliberate artist, Stacie Hernandez builds each painting slowly and carefully, focusing on creating expressive and elegant lines, drawing directly onto her canvas with thin layers of paint. “Informed by a range of emotional states, points of time, and positions in my surrounding landscape, my work is an affirmation that people experience music, landscapes, emotions, and memories in a complex, interconnected way.”


Acrylic on Sewing Jute, $1100

Korean artist Heesu Choi’s ‘neo-primitivism’ style focuses on the depiction of the most pure, innermost world of the human soul. His pieces provoke viewers imagination with abstract, sometimes geometric forms, intense colors, and intricately woven compositions. “My works are an effort to escape the human thirst of form, extreme realism, meaningless decoration, abstractism,” explains the artist.


Acrylic on Canvas Board, $1550

“My inspiration comes from my life experiences, both the good and the bad ones,” says Georges De Groot. His world is an explosion of whimsical characters and color, his brushwork is firmly dynamic, giving the shapes an active presence.


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  1. I am really impressed with you for the selecting of new and unique topic and also well written article on it. I truly delighted to see the artworks that you have shared in the article. I appreciate your nicely descriptive and elaborate article. I hope you continue to have high quality articles like this to share with everyone!

  2. I am really impressed with you for the selecting of new and unique topic and also well written article on it. I truly delighted to see the artworks that you have shared in the article. I appreciate your nicely descriptive and elaborate article. I hope you continue to have high quality articles like this to share with everyone!

  3. I am really impressed with you for the selecting of new and unique topic and also well written article on it. I truly delighted to see the artworks that you have shared in the article. I appreciate your nicely descriptive and elaborate article. I hope you continue to have high quality articles like this to share with everyone!