ART We Crave: Sculpture

A collection of some of the most exquisite sculptures on ARTmine.

Pablo Picasso called sculpture “the art of the intelligence”. An integral part of the art world since ancient times, this medium of solids and dimensions has given shape to a wide range of masterpieces, from Auguste Rodin’s life-like statues to Jeff Koons’ balloon animals. The contemporary times have only enriched and expanded this magnificent area of fine art. With the availability of new and non-conventional materials and the range of intriguing subjects, sculpture today has become one of the most appreciated forms of art. 

Sculpture occupies real space like we do… you walk around it and relate to it almost as another person or another object.
– Chuck Close

Our artists have created these exquisite pieces combining the extensive knowledge of the traditional techniques with a level of innovation which will excite and intrigue art-lovers everywhere. 


Different Time, Different Period
45″ x 39″ x 24″

Banjerd Lekkong was born to create metal sculptures. Practicing the art since the age of eight, Lekkong has established a unique style. Each of his sculptures has a story to tell, as does his choice of subject and process of creation. His exquisite creations, although made of hard metal, spin the most beautiful tales with their swirling and billowing lines. 


28.5″ x 28.5″ x 28.5″

Speaking of beautiful tales, German Arzate too, gives form to sculptures that have a language of their own. Experimenting with different techniques and themes, Arzate creates powerful and intense forms that deal with the duality of human existence. Poseidon is an interpretation of the Godly figure into a creature of the land.


22.5″ x 17.5″

Taking a New Yorker’s take on other cultures and traditions, Susie Kadish produces work that is innovative and yet echoes of its historic roots. This particular work is part of a series of ceramic sculptures that interpret Japanese and Korean pottery in a contemporary manner.


24.5″ x 24.5″ x 12″

Helgi Gíslason believes movement to be one of the most important aspects of humanity. He creates works that are frozen in time and yet depict constant movement, and by doing so he gives each one of them “an independent life based on form as well as an emotional bind with humanity.” 


7″ x 26″ x 7″

Working with nature’s building blocks, marble and basalt, Richard Page’s works are both edgy and fluid. He makes use of the raw qualities of stone to produce works of art that represent modernisation while maintaining the material’s identity. Twist is one such beautifully minimalistic sculpture created by him.


Whether you are looking for a narrational piece with a language of its own or an amalgamation between the old and the new, there is something for everyone in our huge collection of artworks on ARTmine. Need help? Contact us at [email protected]



2 thoughts on “ART We Crave: Sculpture


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  1. Wow, it’s interesting that you have shared this awesome set of sculpture. I admire these artists as they can express their thoughts through the art of sculpting! How I wish that one day I can even make or just draw, which is the simplest expression of an artistic soul.

    1. Hi Joy! Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad that you enjoyed the artworks featured in this article!