Pinelopi Akritidou


As I observe the ongoing evolution of our society, I perceive it as a living organism, where each individual forms an integral part. I view the individual as a social cell, and in each of my creations, I construct a distinct environment imbued with analogous circumstances, shedding light on its intricate interactions within society.

I draw inspiration from the organic microcosm of microbes and cells to illustrate this symbiotic relationship. Through the use of successive layers and vibrant colors, I aim to emphasize the perpetual and profound impact of humanity on the contemporary environment.

Additionally, the various shapes and casings I incorporate into my work serve a similar purpose. They act as entry points into the project, intentionally veiled, allowing the viewer to decide where to direct their focus.

Showing all 4 results

Bloodylussion, 2022

Oil on canvas

27.5" x 23.5"


Human Centipede, 2022

Oil on canvas

31.5" x 23.5"


Threat, 2023

Oil on canvas

31.5" x 23.5"


Untitled, 2019

Oil on canvas

27.5" x 19.5"
