
FL, United States of America

My art conceptually places miniature figurines in situations that emulate real life. I create immersive narratives by staging food and everyday items, which I photograph using my smartphone. An object as mundane as a lifesaver gummy may evoke a swim tube used to relax on a hot summer day, a raspberry becomes an elaborate hat on a tiny model or ladyfingers turn into monoliths at an ancient historical site. Through the careful calibration of scale, perspective, and color I challenge perceptions, prompting viewers to explore the extraordinary within the ordinary. By recontextualizing familiar objects and imbuing them with a new meaning, I aim to spark conversations about the nature of reality and the significance of our surroundings.

Showing all 4 results

Cat Walk

Photograph on fine art paper

32" x 24"


Beth On Top

Photograph on fine art paper

24" x 32"


Baguette Tops

Photograph on fine art paper

32" x 24"


Aloe Springs

Photograph on fine art paper

32" x 24"
