Julia Jüchter

Bergisch Gladbach , Germany

As an artist, painting has always been an integral part of who I am, even as I pursued a professional career in finance and economics. As a highly sensitive observer in a world filled with constant stimuli, I often find myself contemplating the people in my environment and broader social contexts. Through my artwork, I aim to explore and express this fragmentation between the money machine and the individuals living within it, highlighting the diverse and often conflicting aspects of life.

My work is a reflection of my personality, combining different techniques like acrylic, watercolor, ink, and collage. The layering, styles, degrees of abstraction, and the use of banknotes convey the different facets of our society, while the colorful and vibrant whole affirms life with all its complexities.

Although unbearably garish and hectic, all the individual parts ultimately come together to form a large, cheerful whole, affirming life with all its facets. Loving to travel in my job and privately, the diversity of our different cultures around the globe influences me. When painting as well as in life, the process is a joyful one. Despite the rifts and challenges we face, I believe there are solutions, and my art is a testament to this belief.

Showing all 4 results

Earthman Vision, 2023

Acrylic, watercolor, ink and banknotes on canvas

28" x 40"


Wanna Play?, 2023

Collage elements, acrylic, watercolor, ink and banknotes on canvas

48" x 32"


Influencer, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

40" x 28"


Jerusalem Syndrome, 2021

Acrylic on canvas

20" x 28"
