David Shannon

LA, United States

The world is nuts. Irrationality is rampant, and subjective manipulation of objective facts pushes and pulls at the truth. Something that is horrific from one standpoint may be absurdly funny from another.

We seem to be at an inflection point for so many interrelated and opposing forces that it is hard to tell where one begins and the other ends.

That’s at the heart of what I try to express in my paintings. The interplay between abstract and representational elements allows for multiple, often conflicting, interpretations and reflects the difficulties in making sense of contemporary culture.

Elements of the picture seem to be something recognizable, but they aren’t exactly.

I want my pieces to be about something—to explore a concept, present a problem, ask a question, state a point of view, or even make a snide remark—so there’s the intention behind the images, but I also want to leave plenty of room for the viewer’s interpretation.

There is a lot of subconscious stuff going on, too, some of which I recognize and emphasize, but others that are discovered later. In many instances, there are several related ideas going on, ranging from apocalyptic to whimsical, again reflecting the nature of the world today and usually some.

Humor sneaks its way into the painting. To me, humor represents hope, and I try to be optimistic, even during these strange times.

Showing all 4 results

Waste, 2020

Oil and charcoal on canvas

48" x 36"


Walk in the Park, 2021

Mixed media on board

30" x 24"


Discourse, 2022

Oil on canvas

24" x 36"


Unbalanced, 2018

Oil & Charcoal on Canvas

30" x 24"
